Sebuah Komentar Atas Surat Dari Praha
Revolusi memakan anak kandungnya sendiri, demikian kita sering mendengar. Jaya tak dimakan oleh siapa-siapa. Ia hanya bagian dari mereka yang terbuang dan tak diaku.
Read MoreRevolusi memakan anak kandungnya sendiri, demikian kita sering mendengar. Jaya tak dimakan oleh siapa-siapa. Ia hanya bagian dari mereka yang terbuang dan tak diaku.
Read MoreSatu hal yang sering luput dari perhatian kita adalah bahwa tidak semua lagu Natal itu mengandung nilai-nilai agama tertentu. Yang dimaksud dengan lagu Natal di sini adalah lagu-lagu yang menyinggung kata “Christmas” dalam lirik lagunya dan kerap diputar di bulan Desember saat pusat-pusat konsumerisme di Jakarta mendadak bersalju.
Read MoreIt’s both an honour and humbling experience to receive the nomination in the Best Sports Presenter category at Asian TV Awards 2015 for my work in beIN SPORTS. To make it even better, my own show, Street Soccer is also nominated in the Best Sports Programme category. This is something that I didn’t foresee when I was younger. I always love football but doing what I’m doing right now didn’t even make the vaguest appearance in my pipedream.
Read MoreKegemaran saya membaca tidak akan pernah jadi sesuatu yang negatif seandainya saya bukanlah seseorang bertitel penulis yang seharusnya membagi waktu antara membaca banyak aksara dan menuliskannya. Benar, bahwa seseorang tak akan bisa membuat tulisan bernas jika sebelumnya ia tak banyak-banyak membaca. Namun apa yang terjadi pada saya adalah kebalikannya: Saya terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu membaca dan terlalu sedikit mengalokasikan waktu untuk menulis.
Read MoreJames Bond doesn’t belong to this era and that’s exactly why we love him. He’s a throwback. He’s old school. We know better now that real secret agents these days probably dont share his swashbuckling attitude. We know better that real spies are not super humans. They’re just better equipped with tools and skills. The reason why Bond hasn’t escaped our attention is because he looks anything but real.
Read MoreI like my wine like I like my unspoken past
Buried deep 50 years underneath the layer of legitimacy that would prompt nobody to question the intimacy that was so racy
Between Stacy and Budi who planted seeds to create one of the most mysterious wine ever existed:
The 1965 Indonesian Vintage Cabernet Sauvignon.
It’s rare, bitter and sour at the same time and it comes with an extra hush-hush.
It’s a red wine.
Read MoreWe’re all professional football journalists. Without me realizing it, i was at the same stature, at least profession-wise, with them. I couldnt afford to look amateurish by saying "Hey folks, i’ve been reading all your writings in the past few years. Nice to meet you all. Picture, perhaps?"
Read MoreI shared a room for two nights with a gay friend - at that time I didnt know his sexual preference. Maybe if did, I would be a little bit more hesitant to ask him for a space to stay in. Or maybe, if I knew, I wouldnt even think about it. But I did stay in for a couple of nights in a room with a bunk bed. I was travelling across the strait at that time and because I was still a student, I thought staying in with a friend would save me a handful amount of cash. We’re childhood friends and we used to talk a lot about girls in the way that adolescent boys do. I was looking for a free accomodation and the least thing that i could think of was now he’s turned.
Read MoreWhen you take everything into account, it would not look unreasonable to see two groups of countrymen clash against each other in the name of foreign identity. They stripped themselves of their primary identity (in this case, nationality) and donned club identity in which they see other who dont share the same colour as enemy. To ridicule their preference of identifying themselves with something foreign as a mean to battle each other is not a strong argument because when you think about it, the idea of fellow countrymen battling each other in the name of local clubs is just as ridiculous. Then again, football doesnt use common logic. It has its own.
Read MoreI’m not an expert in law, but if we’re really against capital punishment, i believe legal efforts have to be made in attempt to abolish it.
Read MoreSebagai seorang analis dendeng batokok profesional, sudah menjadi kegiatan sehari-sehari bagiku untuk mengecek level kelunakan sepotong daging. Dendeng batokok yang tergolong karya adiluhung adalah dendeng batokok yang masih memberi perlawanan saat dikunyah, namun resistensinya tak terlalu liat yang membuatnya masih bisa lumat oleh gigi. Kadar kebasahannya juga unsur yang penting untuk diperhatikan karena jika kurang basah, maka pelanggan akan komplain dan mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak memesan dendeng kering yang kerontang seperti musim kemarau.
Read MoreIsa menghitung, sore itu adalah kali kelima dalam sebulan ia melihat gadis itu duduk seorang diri di pojok kedai kopi di terminal keberangkatan bandara. Selalu ada laptop yang terletak di hadapannya, meski hanya sesekali gadis itu menatap ke layarnya. Sang gadis lebih sering membaca buku atau mengecek ponselnya dibanding memaku perhatiannya ke laptop. Ada helm sepeda tercantol di ranselnya dan hanya sekali Isa melihat gadis tersebut tak mengenakan sneakers. Ia selalu sendiri tanpa ada seorang pun menemani. Ia pun tak pernah nampak sedang menunggu kehadiran orang lain. Ia terlihat nyaman dengan kesendiriannya seperti pohon kelapa di pinggir pantai yang tak pernah mengeluh dalam menantang angin.
Read MoreIf American Sniper was a character that embodies everything American, there must’ve been a character that would epitomise everything Indonesian. I cant think of anything better than an Indonesian Parking Guy.
Read MoreSome things were meant to be mediocre but their actual qualities skipped our eyes because we already built a construction of those things and put them higher than they’re supposed to be. Not until it became frequent that we managed to reveal their true values.
My concept of supreme mediocrity is based on my tendency to treat some things higher than they’re supposed. No matter how sub-standard and mediocre it is, i keep on coming back because mediocrity is synonymous with routine and sometimes your brain works on autopilot.
Read MoreThis debate on whether the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists had it coming sparks the old questions of the boundaries of comedy and satire. Is there a limit to the art of satire? Is there any topic that the satirical artists should keep away from? If there’s a boundary and the satirist goes through it anyway, would the repercussions be justified?
Read MoreThey’re the first friends i made in this plural and diverse world. Yes, i had some other friends, but they’re not like them. I was raised in a homogeneous environment. I went to Christian school. I grew up not knowing how it feels to socialise with people from different surroundings. They’re the first people to tell me to wait because they had to go to the mosque for afternoon prayer. They’re the embodiment of the PPKn exams that i had been taking since first grade.
Read MoreA literary career basically is a pursuit of acknowledgement and recognition. Once you earn those two, even the most mundane thing you do will be considered as work of arts.
Read MoreThat’s one of the biggest bummers that could’ve happened to your social life. Finding out that your old mates are now running MLMs is similar to finding out that your extremely religious mates in high school are now party animals who have switched preferences from holy water to Chiroc. You would want to tap their shoulders and ask what has gone wrong in their life?
Read MoreI would rather experience something myself before passing judgment on anything. I don’t believe what people say until I get firsthand experience. I’ve listened to Justin Bieber’s albums and skimmed through “Fifty Shades of Grey,” so I know that both items are pulp at best. I wouldn’t say they’re rubbish — because taste is a personal matter — but if somebody handed them over to me, I’d give them a facial expression that screams “Are you kidding me?”
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